A Carta dos Direitos Fundamentais da União Europeia: contribuições para o MERCOSUL

Proteção do consumidor no Estatuto da Cidadania do MERCOSUL frente à Carta dos Direitos Fundamentais da União Europeia 115 Abstract: The European Union proclaimed the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights in 2000, subsequently making it legally binding, covering previously sparse civil, political, economic and social rights. On the other hand, MERCOSUR adopted the MERCOSUR’s Citizenship Statute in 2021, as a set of rights and benefits for nationals, citizens and residents of its States Parties. Thus, the problem consists of researching how the consumer issue is addressed in the MCS compared to the EUCFR, relating the documents and their legal nature. The aim is to analyze both texts, with a focus on consumer protection, studying the legal similarities and differences between the two instruments. The aim is also to find out how the CFREU addresses this issue, how the MERCOSUR document was constructed and how the consumer issue is dealt with in the MCS, relating it to the EUCFR. In terms of methodology, this is a qualitative study using the inductive method. A bibliographical and documentary review is carried out on the subject by analyzing articles, periodicals, theses, dissertations, literature and national and international legal documents. Initially, the EUCFR is studied in the European context and how it deals with consumer law. Then, the implementation of the MCS and its text towards the consolidation of rights is investigated. Subsequently, the consumer issue in the MCS is discussed, relating it to the EUCFR and pointing out similarities and differences. The conclusion is that, while the EUCFR is more comprehensive on consumer protection and is binding, the MCS is more specific, lists rights that already exist and is not binding. However, both give greater visibility to safeguarding rights. Keywords: MERCOSUR’s Citizenship Statute. The European Union’s Charter of Fundamental Rights. Consumer protection. 1. Introdução A União Europeia (UE) proclamou a Carta dos Direitos Fundamentais da UE (CDFUE), em 7 de dezembro de 2000, sem vinculação jurídica. Em 12 de dezembro de 2007, ela foi tornada juridicamente vinculativa com a reforma ocorrida com o Tratado de Lisboa, porém só entrou em vigor em 2009. Trata-se de documento que contempla direitos civis, políticos, econômicos e sociais, os quais se encontravam espalhados por diferentes leis nacionais e convenções internacionais.3 3 EUROPEAN COMMISSION (EC). Representation in Portugal; MARQUES, C. Carta dos Direitos Fundamentais da União Europeia: em linguagem simplificada. Serviço das Publicações da União Europeia. Luxemburgo: Publications Office of the European Union, 2020. Disponível em: https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/d5c4b523-db7b-11ea-adf 7-01aa75ed71a1/lan guage-pt. Acesso em: 9 abr. 2024; UNIÃO EUROPEIA (UE). Carta dos Direitos Fundamentais da União Europeia. Nice, 7 dez. 2000. Jornal Oficial das Comunidades Europeias, n. C 264, p. 1-22, 18 dez. 2000. Disponível em: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/ charter/pdf/text_pt.pdf. Acesso em: 9 abr. 2024; CARTA dos Direitos Fundamentais da UE: Maior visibilidade à proteção dos direitos fundamentais dos cidadãos e das cidadãs. Lisboa, Eurocid, [s. d]. Disponível em: ht tps://eurocid.mne.gov.pt/artigos/carta-dos-direitos-fundamentais- -da-ue. Acesso em: 9 abr. 2024; VIEIRA, Luciane Klein; COSTA, Vitória Volcato da. O estatuto